Roofing Concepts Unlimited Blog

How Can I Ensure My New Roof Meets Local Building Codes?

Properties have various priorities when replacing their roofs, including roof system type, durability, and cost-effectiveness, energy savings and reflectivity to name a few. However, one of the most important considerations when replacing a roof in South Florida is code compliance. The Sunshine State has strict building codes, and your local municipality may have additional codes to consider. How do you ensure your new roof meets local building codes? Can a commercial roofing contractor help ensure compliance?

Why Not Simply Look at Florida’s Roofing Codes?

When replacing a roof on a commercial building, you must consider both local and state building codes. On the state level, Florida roofing codes apply to all new commercial roofs. However, you should not disregard local building codes, as these rules may be different than state guidelines.

Why do different municipalities have different building codes? The reason is rather simple: Florida is a large state with many different climates and exposures. The differences in weather between regions can be quite significant, and this requires local authorities to enforce different rules for commercial roofs. For example, extreme wind and weather patterns in more coastal areas may require stricter standards for new roofs compared to other areas of Florida.

Requirements for Inspections

You might assume that a full roof replacement is necessary, but an inspection could help you assess the most cost-effective options going forward. Instead of replacing your entire roof, it may be possible to simply conduct targeted repairs. An experienced commercial roofing contractor can help you answer these important questions during your mandatory inspection.

Roofing Contractors are Extremely Knowledgeable About Building Codes

If you want to learn more about your local and Florida building codes in Florida, speak with a commercial roofing contractor. These folks handle roofs for a living – and they are extremely knowledgeable about roofing codes.

Get Started with a Commercial Roofing Contractor in South Florida

If you are concerned about building code compliance, consider addressing these concerns with an experienced commercial roofing contractor in South Florida. Choose Roofing Concepts Unlimited and work with an established, family-owned business that has extensive knowledge of local building codes. We have helped replace roofs on high-rises, pharmacies, office buildings, and many other commercial structures. Schedule your consultation today to get started.